Most Gigantic Planetary Festival The Rath Yatra: 2024 Car Festival Interesting Moments

Rath Yatra

Most Gigantic Planetary Festival The Rath Yatra: 2024 Car Festival Interesting Moments

Rath Yatra 2024: Puri, one of the most splendiferous places in Odisha, attracts thousands of tourists daily for its famous temple courtyard and sea beach. However, it is obvious how  millions of tourists get attracted to a merely temple. One must realise that it is not an ordinary temple but an extra ordinary synagogue with the extraordinary powers, beliefs, rituals, stories,stories and miracles hidden behind it. There are a legion of tales about the formation and miracles of Lord Jagannath in Puri. Many great men also commented that the temple is simply a nirvana on earth.

About Lord Jagannath Temple

Lord Jagannath Temple
Lord Jagannath Temple, Puri

In science, there have been arguments between scientific theories and religious beliefs. But each time, scientific theories remained unexplained about the miracles of Lord Jagannath. Many people also call Jagannath the hero of the’modern era’ or the ‘kali yuga’.

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The History Of Shree Jagannath’s Establishment At Shree Khetra Puri In Odisha.

The Greatness Of Purusottam Kshetra: Lord Jagannath Dham Puri, Also Called Shreekshetra


The Jagannath temple, extending from the lion’s gate, the east gate, or the main gate, covers about 10 acres of land. The height of the superlative temple is 214 feet and 8 inches. The monumental temple is covered with carvings of gods and goddesses in the archaic Kalinga style.

Rath Yatra 2024

Rath Yatra

The car festival of the Rath Yatra is a consecrated festival celebrating the Lord Balabhadra, Subhadra, and Jagannath. It by and large falls on the calendar month of Ashar. On the holy day of Rath Yatra, the three gods are carried to the gundicha temple.

The three colourful reen-red, black-red,  and yellow-red chariots of Lord alabhadra, Subhadra,  and Jaganath respectively symbolise the path of ‘badadanda’. (the road between Jaganath and Gundicha Temple), the chariot has wheels fixed in it. The chariot also has black, brown, and white-coloured wooden horses tied. A flag is also present at the topmost end of the chariot, called the copi ketan. It is also called the’sri gundicha yatra’. It is also called the’sri gundicha yatra’. Indeed, what a gratifying sight it is!

The deities stay in the Gundicha temple for nine days and go back in the same way on the tenth day. The cars are then drawn back to the same places from which they began their journey. This journey is also called the Bahura Yatra. They remain in the chariots on that night, and the next day is observed as ‘suna vesha’. The gods are graced with precious gold ornaments. They are taken back to the temple the next day. (twelfth day)

The car festival (Rath Yatra) is world-famous for the radically distinctive costumes and huge assembly of brobdingnagian crowds of different castes, colors, religion, creed, race and enders. The Car Festival (Rath Yatra) is also said to have much social and economic importance. Live commentary on the festival is transmitted on television and radio during the festival.

There are uncountable tales and facts regarding Lord Jagannath. All of them can never be explained or known. He is said to be one of the Avataras, or incarnations, of the Hindu god Lord Vishnu. His origin is a miraculous story, according to what our forefathers say. Many people also say that Lord Jagannath will take another Avatar as “Kalki” on the day of the beginning of a new era, the doomsday, or the great judgement ay. But nobody knows the truth. We are to celebrate and teach our coming generations to preserve the immortal rituals after us. Therefore lastly

“Jagannath Swami Nayana Pathagami Bhabatu mein.”

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